Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Oxygen...for Life

It is vitally important to have a routine of prayer. 
Prayer is what has sustained the Jewish people for thousands of years. 
"Hear O Israel..." is said everyday. 

Each morning, I don my small prayer shawl, a tallit, or "a little sanctuary" as it is known.
There is beauty in closing yourself away with God. 
Donning the tallit helps me focus on prayer. 

Your routine may be like mine...

Beginning with praise, acknowledging God's power, protection, and redeeming help.

I declare God's holiness and sanctify His name making known His greatness.

I ask God for wisdom then pray for repentance and ask for forgiveness. 
A wise person will always find their way to repentance and forgiveness.

Next, I reveal to God the needs of my family and redemption. 

I grab a bottle of frankincense anointing myself for healing while praying for others also in need of healing. 
Why me first? 
It is like we are taught when the steward instructs us on an airplane. 
They teach that if an emergency happens, the oxygen masks will drop down.
 You are to apply the oxygen mask to yourself before your children because you can't take care of others if you yourself faint for lack of oxygen. 

The next thing I pray for is abundance. 

What kind of abundance? 

It is a prayer that those who have abundance will share with those in need.  
Anointing once again with a blend of orange, frankincense, patchouli, clove, ginger, myrrh, cinnamon bark, and spruce. 

An abundance of oils for an abundance of needs.

I ask God to help those who are oppressed and bring about freedom in their lives.
I pray for righteousness and justice. 

This is a good time to pray for our leaders, "Bestow Your Spirit on the rulers of all lands!"

Photo Courtesy of Art Hodges
I pray against evil and ask God to bless the faithful.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Prayer for deliverance and even pray for prayer as He is a God who hearkens to prayer as it is our prayers that are forever before His throne.

At this point worshipping of the One True God flows naturally which leads to giving Him thanks for all he does in my life and the lives of my family. 
(Much time needs to be spent in this area).

Thanking God for peace and praising Him is the best way to finish your prayer time as you will walk away with praise still upon your lips...
A great way to start the day.

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