Friday, October 12, 2012


The Uniqueness of Mankind
Bereishit (Genesis 1:1-6:8)

"And the Almighty said, 'Let us make Man in Our image, as our likeness...' " (Genesis 1:26)

This is one of the stranger verses in the Torah. How can we say that a human being is in the image of a formless Being? God is infinite, without any semblance of a form. We have bones, flesh, veins and internal organs. This is our physical self. Does God have physicality? No.

So what does this verse possibly mean?

Another verse may shed some light:

"And the Infinite, Almighty, formed the man as dust from the ground, and He blew into his nostrils a living soul, and the man was life for a spirit." (Genesis 2:7)

Human beings are a combination of a physical self (dust from the ground) and a spiritual self (a soul). The physical self was created from the ground, matter that God had already put into the universe. Our soul, though, was "blown in" by God Himself. In other words, the soul is a bit of God, a piece of the Infinite, so to speak.
Rabbi Max Weiman
Now think of the Holy Ghost that dwells within the Apostolic believer.
Again here is a little bit of God. A dowry. We will know God fully when we shed this mortal body. Dirt is just not very spiritual. Our souls long to be with God.

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