Tuesday, January 3, 2012


DISPOSITION AND ANSWERS (Pro 16:1): It is interesting to observe how often in the Bible we find these two things mentioned as being from the Lord, the dispositions of the heart and the answer of the tongue! (7-25-10)

Three times in this chapter alone we see God’s intervention. A man’s heart devises his way, but God directs his steps (Pro_16:9). The lot may be cast into the lap in a haphazard or casual way but the whole disposing of it is of the Lord (Pro_16:33). Man may have many devices in his heart, but it is the counsel of the Lord that is going to come out in the end (Pro_19:21). That is why man cannot understand his own way, his goings are of the Lord (Pro_20:24). The king’s heart is like a river that is controlled by the river bed and cannot go just anywhere it wants, so God is that river bed (Pro_21:1). When the Syrians determined to kill the king in battle, thinking it was Ahab when it was Jehoshaphat, the Lord moved upon them to depart from him (2Ch_18:31). The Lord put it in Cyrus heart to rebuild the house of the Lord in Jerusalem (Ezr_7:27). Nehemiah asked God to prosper him before the Persian king when he desired to see the walls of Jerusalem rebuilt (Neh_1:11). The Psalmist said the Lord would prepare the heart of the humble (Psa_10:17). He asked the Lord to incline his heart to His testimonies (Psa_119:36). Jeremiah said that it is not in the heart of man to direct his own steps (Jer_10:23). The day will come when God will make an everlasting covenant with Israel and will at that time give them one heart and one mind (Jer_32:39-40). He will at that time take out their stony heart and replace it with a new heart operated by His Spirit (Eze_36:26-27). God will remove the vail over the nations (Isa_25:7). Paul said that God put an earnest care within Titus for the Corinthians (2Co_8:16). When Paul told the Philippians to work out their salvation with fear and trembling, he let them know that it is God who worked in them both to will and do His good pleasure (Phi_2:13). God told Moses He would teach him what to say since his own mouth was incapable of saying what he wanted (Exo_4:11-12, Exo_4:15). Jeremiah brought the same complaint to God and the Lord again promised to be with him and give him what to say (Jer_1:7-9). The Lord promised His disciples that when they were brought before the courts in trial for this gospel, He would tell them what to say so that they did not have to premeditate before hand (Mat_10:19-20; Luk_12:11; Luk_21:14-15).
 Kelsey Griffin

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