They do this because of the palm branches that were laid out before Jesus … that in itself is a beautiful picture.
Yet, there is so much more to Passover that offers a more complete picture.
That’s why we should study the culture of that day…
Then ask ourselves …
“Why were all those people gathered there in the first place?”
To the Jews this was commonplace as they had observed the Passover for may years before the time of Jesus.
While teaching this someone asked me …
”Did they have extra clothes with?"
To which I replied …
”As a matter of fact they did…Because the Passover is a seven day feast!”
Passover is one of the three feasts that all male Israelites were required to attend.
During Temple times the High Priest would leave the city to an area near Bethlehem where lambs were raised.
The High Priest would be looking for the sacrificial lamb … one without spot or blemish.
When the High Priest found the lamb that was to be slain for the nation he would exclaim...
This yearly observance at the time of Jesus...
Jesus enters the city and not only were they treating Him like a King by paving His way with their garments … they were also selecting their lamb … without spot or blemish.
I've always imagined that on this particular Passover the High Priest and his religious entourage entering the city, seeing the street empty except for palm branches and clothes scattered about, saying, "where is everybody?"
That's a real triumphal entry!
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