Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wrong Policies and People

WRONG POLICIES AND PEOPLE (Ezr 4:1-2): We must remember first of all that God is the builder (Psa 127:1; Mat 16:18) so it must be under His direction and by His chosen ones (Exo 31:1-6; Joh 15:16). It was an important step of faith to refuse a partnership that might have seemed helpful. We can imagine that there were a few pragmatists among them who said, "We need any help we can get. We can guard ourselves against ungodly influences they may bring." In weak or early circumstances of a building work there is often a serious temptation to take any help and to ignore the dangers of unwise and ungodly partnerships. For example, look at the alliances Jehoshaphat made with idolaters that had such detrimental consequences.
“"Men of faith have often fallen into this blunder, and have associated with themselves those not sharing their faith, and therefore in the deepest sense opposed to their enterprises. These leaders were not deceived. They detected the peril." (Morgan)
1. Wrong people
Rom_16:17 "Mark those who cause division among you and avoid them"
Here are five types of wrong people:
(1) People with conflicting philosophies—those who love the world (1Jo_2:15)
(2) People with hidden expectations (Luk_9:57-62)
(3) People with unresolved disloyalties—rejecting their authority (2Ti_3:1-7)
(4) People with moral impurities (1Co_5:5)
(5) People who have no real love for truth (2Th_2:11)
(6) People with unkept vows—God will destroy their works (Ecc_5:4-6)
2. Wrong policy
Pro_3:5 Lean not to your own understanding
Here are ten don'ts for successful church building (vs human reasoning)
(1) Do not do your own advertising "Let another man praise thee and not thine own mouth" (Pro_27:2)
(2) Do not build with bigger programs, but with better food. A proof of our love for Jesus is how well we feed His sheep (Joh_21:16-17; 2Co_1:1-3)
(3) Do not give solutions without requiring sacrifice—the more sure you are of your answers, the greater commitment you can demand of your hearers (Luk_14:33)
(4) Do not expand without the money in hand (Pro_27:1; Pro_22:7)
(5) Do not doubt in the darkness what God showed you in the light. Expect the birth, death, and fulfillment of your vision.
(6) Do not reject your critics—they force you to clarify and deepen your message (Pro_15:10)
(7) Do not work to keep your church full, work to keep it pure.
(8) Do not remove the awe from God's truth—maintain interest with deepening curiosity (parables of Christ)
(9) Do not use church positions to keep people involved.
•Use positions to set examples for people in and out of the church.
(10) Do not allow anyone to share bad reports. Stay positive yourself and avoid pessimistic thinking and preaching.
•Teach people how to examine themselves, exhort others, and restore offenders.
Kelsey Griffin

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