The question is always the same...why doesn't God heal everyone?
Before we get to that question we need to have an understanding.
I used to think that all sickness came from the devil, but just in the last few years I have changed my mind on this subject.
"And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee."
(Exodus 23:25)
So, what has happened since this verse of the Bible was written? Somewhere along the line of history we started to poison ourselves.
When biblical laws concerning letting the land have a Sabbath (shmita) started to lack, the world began to die.
Studies show that most of our farm land no longer has the nutrients we need, so the food grown in it does not either.
The things we eat today are mostly artificial (plastic) and have no nutritional value.
As a matter of fact many of us eat things that are harmful.
Food today has fillers to make food stretch and save money.
Funny how everything seems to come down to $$$.
What happens when cancer patients change their diet to more natural organic foods grown in nutrient rich soil?
Studies show they are the few that receive healing.
Cancer pharmaceutical healing is 3% according to a recent article.
It is our God given obligation to take care of the body He has given us, this fragile shell our soul dwells in.
We learned a long time ago that we are not bodies with a soul, but a soul with a body.
DR: You have this disease
ME: oh no
DR: but you can cure it with a healthy diet and exercise
Why do we go to a doctor?
Does a doctor give life?
We go to the doctor because we need to repair not just our souls, not just our bodies, but our world as well.
We have made a world that brings sickness.
That same world must now bring life.
Really, according to the noted Holy Scripture above, the sickness should never come.
It is up to us to refine ourselves.
Part of your divine service to God is in refinement.
What do you think happens if you do not refine yourself?
A person that discovers that they have a disease that will kill them not only changes the way they eat, the way they think, and they change the way they God.
Some talk more, and in turn many others are brought into a closer relationship with God through speech.
God wants us to talk with Him.
I said you may not like this blog and you may even have many questions, and questions are good.
I was talking to my wife, Melissa, who is a well known unpublished author and she told me that, "When the body stops fighting the body quits hurting." This was in response to what seemed to be a trend we have considered that someone a day or so before they die seem to feel great. Some get out of bed and eat.
Sometimes they even feel healed.
This is when my wife said, "Makes one thankful for pain."
I am not an expert on this subject and I didn't earn a degree studying about it, but I don't need one to reflect on what I have seen and read.
Loss of friends and loved ones are never easy, yet many draw closer to God because of pain and death.
Questions like.... "how much faith should I have?" or "how much trust?", or "how much Holy Ghost should I have?" only seem to confuse the matter.
We have the same Holy Ghost the Apostles had and we should have that same HEALING culture.
Keep in mind that God is still in control and sometimes seems to have a purpose we do not understand.
I was talking to a rabbi about this subject and he said this, "There's a Hebrew statement "ilu yedaytiv hayisiv" - "If I knew I would be Him". For better or worse we are not privy to G-d's decision making process. G-d certainly causes sickness, just like He causes healing.
But unfortunately I can't really offer more information as to why G-d chooses to cause certain people to get sick.
I'm in marketing, not management."
We all have heard of people receiving their healing and you may have even been a part of praying for someone that did receive it.
Mallorie with Scoliosis |
Mallorie healed of Scoliosis |
The pictures you see here are of a 12 year old girl who had terrible scoliosis. Many came together and prayed for her to receive her healing.
When she went for surgery the next morning they x-rayed her again only to find her spine straight.
Prayer does work, HEALING does happen.
I know by now you are saying, "well you really haven't answered the question.”
I will admit I don't have the answer, but there sure seems to be a lot of things we can do….
Take care of ourselves. Maimonides' advice is to work first, wash in hot water, and once the body has settled, eat.
Talk to God more, don't stop praying.
Trust in God that He has it all under control.
Why do we assume that the body is any further from God than the soul?
Does God then lie in some spiritual space outside the corporeal world?
God is everywhere.
When Queen Esther needed to save her people, first she fasted, then she went to see the king.
When something is broken here on earth, we need to repair it above…
knowing that the broken is never truly repaired above until it is in order below as well.
There are two approaches to healing:
One is to find whatever has been weakened and damaged by illness, then repair and strengthen it.
Another is to find whatever remains viable and healthy, then to continue to support and strengthen it.
Since it is one body, fortifying one aspect brings healing to all the rest. Rabbi Freeman
God is within.
“When a body stops fighting against the inner conflict of disease
the body no longer feels pain.
It is not the sickness that cause pain but the turmoil from within fighting for life.
Makes one thankful for the pain.” ~ Melissa Johnson
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