Gleanings from #Emor
#Emor = speak = aleph-mem-resh = power-chaos-head. Speech has power over the chaos in your head. Read the #Bible aloud.
God does not challenge us with trivialities. He only challenges us in ways which will truly get us to grow. If we're imbalanced in one area, we will be sent a challenge to modify that trait.
Rabbi Simmons
Giving to God is more complex than a simple 10th to charity. Firstfruits, dough, feasts, poor, Temple, etc. #Emor
Hebrew: דָּבָר
Meaning: Word
It also means "thing"... When God speaks a #WORD He creates a "thing"
A man has to be the prophet, priest, and king of his home. #Mashiach #Emor
"A wise man is cautious and turns always from evil, but a fool throws off restraint and is careless. (Proverbs 14:16) #Emor